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Showing posts from September, 2013

Wreck it Michelle

I have my own share of failure. I shouted at my sister and said pretty much harsh words like “Shut up.” Just because of a basketball game. This is one of my “I-don’t-want-to-remember” moments. I regret all the words I said. I was watching 21 dresses that time and I was too mad at the other sibling who cut the wedding dress of their mom for her own wedding. I looked at it as selfish and when my sister talked to me about the game, I blurted the words that I felt about the game (including my hatred to the character in the film) I should’ve not said. After sometime, I wanted to say sorry but my pride reigned. I told myself, it’s not your fault. They beat us and I hate their players. It’s their fault. They hurt me (This is overplaying it. I felt like I was the one they taunted, bumped either intentionally or part of the game haha. Too bitter.). I wasn’t filled with the Holy Spirit. And I did not choose to be. I chose my own way to turn my back on my sister and fool myself with

A glass of milk

I don’t know with you but for me it’s very hard to get out of bed when you just felt the comfort of your bed and your pillows after a long day.  One night, while I’m catching my sleep, my mom asked me to get her a glass of milk because she can’t sleep. I had the choice whether to get it for her or spill it off and regret for not obeying her. While I get out of bed, I reminded myself that what I do is for the LORD. I carefully got her the milk and went back to bed. That simple? No. It’s pretty hard. It’s a battle within me. But if you do it for the person you love, it’s a no brainer. Motion before emotion. We should live our lives pleasing to the LORD. In 2 Corinthians 5:9 it says, “So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please him.” Setting aside the physical weariness and having a sincere heart in pleasing the LORD through our obedience to our parents. As we are commanded in Ephesians 6 “Children, obey your parents because you belong t

Christ- confidence

What hinders us from listening to the good music? Pag naka-mute yung speakers. This has happened to me more than a handful of times. But seriously speaking, what hinders us from experiencing God’s work and power in our lives? Sometimes there are hindrances that are obviously seen and there are hindrances which aren’t obviously seen like pride. As Pastor Peter Tan-Chi puts it, pride is like a body odor, everybody knows about it except the one who has it. Laude experience. Pride put me in the lowest part of my life. I placed my confidence on myself. I knew that I can make it but God broke me. I was depending on myself. I told myself, I can get the highest Laude because it’s just NU I mean I came from a competitive High School and this will be very easy for me. Who would’ve thought that I would fail my PE and it won’t allow me to graduate with Laude. He doesn’t want us to drown ourselves in sin that is why I learned my lesson, the hard way. But in that setback I still experienc

Past Life

Dominance, a word that would describe my life before. I would not consider other people’s ideas, advise, caution, reprimand, rebuke, anything coming from other people. Though I grew in a Christian family, knew Bible stories, learned Sunday school songs, have my devotion, serve in teaching Sunday schoolers,  I never understood how to listen and do the authorities’s way, and only consider my way. I planted a mentality in my mind that, what Michelle wants, she’ll get.  I am inconsiderate. When I was growing up I remember that when I wanted something, I must get it right away or else I would throw up tantrums in front of whoever is there.  I joined Jzone (youth ministry) back in my third year High School and just joined a discipleship group after a year since I never wanted to be subject to someone who has authority over me. In my last year in High School, since I was enrolled in a Science High School where everybody were vying slots for them to pass and I would pull people down

It's a chasing after the wind

I saw and learned in this situation that, if I am just going after God’s answer and God’s power to make a miracle, because He can certainly do that, I am not hitting the point of prayer. I should pray and go after Him instead of running after the reward. It’s futile. God has His own timing. I always have the mentality of a sigurista. That’s why I love Mercury drug. That’s a joke. You can laugh. Hahaha. Yes, I would want to see everything up until the result before I enter into something. Ayaw ko ng malabo. I grew up in a not your typical kind of family. My mom reared me and my sister alone. We have different dads. Her dad supported her growing up and I was not. My dad is in Saudi, they separated when I was still a toddler. I am not bitter. I just didn’t experienced having an earthly father. But, I felt totally complete. Entering college was really hard for my mom. A week before the start of regular classes, I still do not have a school to enter in. And, we’re still prayin