This season taught me that I have no good thing apatrt from Christ. And that good thing is only Christ. And I would not know that if I don’t surrender to His Lordship and His will. I would have bad dreams night after night, but I have to fight it off in the morning and walk with Jesus again. It is a conscious effort to guard what I think of and fix my gaze on the author and perfecter of my faith- Jesus Christ.
Pain comes suddenly, but knowing that Jesus loves me so much. That He Himself was betrayed by me, yet loves me and forgives me, I ought to do the same, for Him and not for people. Freedom from sin and freedom to do what the Spirit desires. At the end of the day, it is my spirit that will live and not this sinful flesh. So might as well starve its desires and feed on the Spirit’s desire BUT THAT IS EXTREMELY TOUGH. It must take love of God in me to overflow and discipline.
The things that happen to us may make us bitter or better. My messed up body clock isn’t the better choice. My agitness at some work that are not done well must be rebuked gently and not harshly. I should be a blessing to my family. And I should make Jesus God every moment of my life.
May we not get sick of the basics because just like in any sport, one can be excellent if your strokes were in the right form. Process over results. Results will come. You may not see an ice melting at -40 but you will get there, and when you get to 0 and 1 and 2, it will keep its pace and in no time see the ice become water.
May my Lord Jesus bless your quarantine season. From Michelle with love.
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