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Showing posts from June, 2016

HIGHER Calling

The Lord wants us to be godly men and women and we can only do that through the power of the Holy Spirit. First thing that I learned is to love other people even though it hurts. People are not perfect. And so am I. Even though it hurts to see people that you love, hurting you, we must forgive and trust God that He is Sovereign and in control and He is our great reward. To die to self and live this life for Jesus because Jesus' life bought me with a price. To go higher where we were yesterday. To be filled with the Holy Spirit and practice yielding to Him and whatever He commands, YES! He has not observed iniquity in Jacob, nor has he seen wickedness in Israel. The Lord his God is with him. Numbers 23:21. And in verse 8, not to curse whom God blessed. Truth is exclusive. And our past is not what defines us.  In the vision, I just thought now that I can have not a child in the future if I just wait until I am well capable of providing for my fam. But, God ca

The Satisfaction that Satisfies

I've never felt secure in my life, I've always thought I'm not good enough. I was always the good girl outside, Covering the scamp girl inside. Would memorize verses to recite, But do not in my heart coincide. So, I headed on loving this world The world loved me not back the way I would. I continued my strings with the world, To fill my heart's hole, 'be whole again, by the applause and praise of captain, I was in the wrong ship, joy mundane. Sorrowful for my foolish entanglements, I let go and let God do His will in His amends. Knowing now that nothing in this world will satisfy, I surrendered everything into His care to fly. Yes, Jesus loves me and His death on the cross proved it. His forgiveness and grace became so real, That it jumped out of the bible's pages. He is the only One- the satisfaction that satisfies.

The Shema

Faith in the unseen, I will never be alone because Jesus reigns in my soul. My soul surrender. Oswald Chambers once said that the root of all sin is the suspicion that God is not good.  When we don't trust that God is good, we are sinning. Why? Because we are not believing who God is. When we don't trust God, we worry and so we sin again. Why again? Because Jesus said in Matthew to not worry for you are valuable in God's eyes. You don't believe He loves you so you try to manipulate. Well, that was my wrong. God brought to light how I was not trusting Him. How I was manipulating my relationships and how I am trying to controlling things in my hand so I won't be too close to a guy friend because I don't like him if ever the Lord leads us together. Number two wrong: don't assume and don't overthink. Be yourself and enjoy the relationships around you. You'll miss out so much if not. God will and can make a way. Why are we so afraid that God

Sua Escolha

First Week: Love God, Love Others Elevate UST students in a dramatization of the first topic of your call. Your call! A  São Paulo-native guest translated it to sua escolha, in our weekly bible study at UST we called Truth Thursday, even the name was our. In every moment, we decide. From who to marry to what to wear for the day. From complex to simple things. The question is will you make the right decision. Are there areas in your life that don't show you love God? How can you love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength this week? If we will have a recorder of your mind, will it show Jesus? If not, will you allow God to reign over everything in you? Will you obey Him? That is how we love. Second week about our security is in the Lord. I've always thought of myself less, insecure and comparing to other people but the Lord made me know that I am His beloved child and so I am secure in His love and I don't have to compare myself with oth