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Showing posts from August, 2018


I ran a 5-kilometer last Monday which I even dragged myself into. It was the first time that I ran after two weeks even though I was going to the gym for weights. I can't feel my thighs and arms after that 40-minute run. This week has been tough for me. Not just that run.  My phone would beep that it was time for me to fly. And it reminds me again of the pain. I would hear some things about him and the pain would come back. How did I have the joy that no one can steal as before? Pain, disappointments, hurts from people, taken advantage of, and you just wanted to honor God but you had to go through these things.  Maybe it was all my consequences.  Definitely. You see, I have always seen God as a Gracious Heavenly Father but I associate holiness to Him only a little. I have always been that girl who doesn't want the reprimand of my mom more so from my God. But, I think of His holiness as not a big deal.  I would try to go around the rules. I hat


Today is the birthday of my lola and we miss her badly. It is so hard to lose a woman whom you cherish so much and it is a dreadful day to lose a mom and it is my prayer that my mom would still see my sister's and my children in the future to sing and dance in front of her. As I near the day of my departure to a mission trip, and as I near to finish the things I need to buy for the trip, my eyes would always well up thinking that I would leave my family and disciples that the Lord entrusted to me. Just last night, my mom asked me to take care because she does not want anything bad to happen to me and she cried. I replied that she must also take care of herself well. And said that I have Jesus in my life so whether I die, I would be with Jesus in heaven. She cried even more, haha. This was drafted August 12, 2016 and I wanted to continue it last August 12, 2018 but my heart and my mind was very discombobulated with my VISA application. Before I proceed with that visa waiting