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Showing posts from January, 2018

No Reservations

Hello blog! HAHAHA. You don't start a blog like this, right? Haha. I am really disappointed with how I am not getting better at anything. How I feel like I started from the top and now I am here. HAHAHA instead of started from the bottom now we're here. I found an article of mine about Christ-confidence last 2013. Linking it because this was a  Planetshakers inspired blog  because of their song I Just Want You and I just recently went to their Manila tour. And man, I wanted to go back on the right track. You see, there are things in my life that I wanted to just control. I wanted to do certain things for me to be said to fit in. I like to do those things but I make it exaggerated. And so, I tend to forget other things because I am so focused on trying to do my best to fit in and end up losing because at the end of the day, the last say is God's. I do not know how this blog will end. I am sorry that I don't do my outline as a good writer should. But you know, I am

Give It All Up

It is not what other people say that will matter but what God says. At the end of the day, it is God's judgment that prevails. And so, this week, thinking of Jesus and Philippians 4:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 8  Finally, brethren,  whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is  [ a ] lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise,  [ b ] dwell on these things. If the Lord sees your heart and your mind, what will be printed out? Will it show Him or show your own desires? This week is prayer and fasting week and I tell you, food is something that is hard for me to let go but I got sick so I had to media fast and just have food fast after this week. Another hard to let go for me is money. You see, I can be selfish at times and the hardest thing for me to think is being madamot to the Lord. And this just shows my lack of trust of the Lord, of His Sovereignty and His Goodness

When All Is Said And Done

This is our antennae where I used to climb thinking it was so high that I cannot reach it, but now, I can't even fit my feet on the second level of the tower.   The entrance, where I felt like those gates  where so huge. The part with mountains is Bataan.    The river where we frequently dived into, but now, I don't think you still can.  This side will show Mount Arayat Visited my lola and lolo at the cemetery. How things were so big then and now they seem so small. Can we just go back to that time when things were small but with my age advanced? When all I worry about are things like, will I pass, will I be on time for the flag ceremony, will I get to my crush's attention, will my mom allow me to go to a barkada outing to the most vivid memory of my kinder exam, will I be able to answer the right color for the no fill fruits. That Avocado though! But, that cannot be. You need to borrow one. That math ah. I felt like I would never be able to gra