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Showing posts from January, 2020

The Question I Could Not Answer

Whenever I am out of my workspace, all my thoughts are on whack and excited to write but now that I am ready to record them all, it's now a blankspace. So, I will try to juice out my ideas now while I have time. I will start with what I learned from a book I was reading during the holidays, The Crazy Love by Francis Chan. New year seems to make people new. Like, almost all want to be a better version of themselves. After all, it's the best time to start anew. Whatever failures that you don't want to remember from the past year seems like a really long time ago. It feels like it is a clean slate. My one takeaway that I will apply from the book is to live my life day by day, consistently and see if my goal was achieved. We usually make new year resolutions that are too big to do and so we have to make it simple habits to develop so we get there. One of my goals for this year is to get back in being active, eat healthy, be a blessing to others and to grow deeper in my r