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Showing posts from March, 2020

Even Though He Doesn't

I am happy to announce that I am enjoying knowing God lately. Not because of the yes from my prayers but because of who He is. This is what I want to experience since last year. I have been physically beaten and emotionally hurt last year and it made my view of God blur. Even coming to this year, I was battling physically and emotionally and it resulted to broken relationships with people because I was looking at myself. I was focused on my needs and how they can be met. I got to a point where I want to control the people around me. When the coronavirus dawned on the newstands, it made me realize that I was not God. That I cannot do anything about it. That I am powerless. And all I can do is to humble myself before a holy God. And to worship Him in my obedience to Him. There are many things I know that my God is rebuking me to let go and do. To have Him as my number one and to surrender all to Him. My desires, my fears, my finances, my strength, my time and my future. After te