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Showing posts from January, 2017

A Motorcycle Accident

2017 opened for me as striped as my dress, my aunt's dress that we bought together haha. The end of 2016 for me was not as good as I want it to happen. I wanted a smooth-sailing 2016 to go to 2017 seamlessly. But, family and finances struck down. My mom was sick on Christmas Eve, lots to be sold were postponed, bills coming, tenant not obeying our rules and on January 1, a motorcycle fast-approaching hit our side mirror and he fell and bruised his face. We will all face sad moments but how we handle it is what matters because at the end of the day, were you pruned and molded to be more Christ-like? This 2017, I want to be predictably joyful but circumstances like the things I mentioned above will really get into you if you allow it to. So, what should be our faint-heartedness-buster? His Word. His Love. His Spirit in us. And we can live this life for Him because this isn't ours anymore, but His. Above all, this earth is temporary but Jesus is permanent. So, what d